Already into March. February was such a short month, yet it was a relief to find it over and be able to take down the red hearts and put up a green calendar in my classroom. I love how colors can mark the passing of time. This
I went to the orphanage this afternoon... we've started hosting dinners at Peg's house again for the children in the toddler house, having groups of 6 kids come down with their tia.
Every group of kids that comes down has a different dynamic, but all are active and fun. In the group of today was precious Lesly, the same girl I sat by for so long at our Christmas party, feeding because she isn't able to grip well from the table to her mouth. Today after the meal we went to the living room to play. She is fascinated with Peg's dog, so we spent a lot of time on the couch by the window, gazing out hoping for a glimpse of the dog. Then she noticed the pillows, and had them laid out so we could recline on the couch side by side and "sleep". Lesly doesn't have much ability in her legs and is unable to walk, so any movement made was directed by her, but only possible by my hands. In that sense, our relationship reminds me of my own with God... He, the director, and I, simply the human hands, with the option to obey or disobey. But the greatest similarity comes in the listening part, because Lesly speaks quietly and since Spanish isn't my first language, I have to work at understanding what she wants me to do. The same with God, whose words I do not always listen closely to hear nor seek to understand what He means by them... We "slept", cuddled up together, and then "awoke" to admire the night sky, then "slept", then tried to find the dog out the window... The whole evening I was in awe of what a privilege it is to be apart of this little girl's life. I am so blessed.
I have a new student, in the second grade. Since he came in the the middle of the year and doesn't have anybody else at his same level, he is a class all in himself. He is hysterical and brilliant and I love every minute I get to spend with him. The first day I met him I told him, "I want to challenge you. I can tell you're a smart boy." To which he replied, "For that you make me strong." Second grade, ESL, Special Ed student.... and conversationally brilliant.