viernes, 6 de febrero de 2009

Yesterday, in class with Karen, my second grader, we were learning about "My Day", starting with how the day begins... waking up, getting ready, etc. We sang a song that talks about washing our faces, combing our hair, and brushing our teeth. I asked her if she does each of those things every morning. She said she always combs her hair and brushes her teeth and sometimes washes her face. Then she asked me if I do all of those things. I said I always brush my teeth and wash my face and I usually, but not always, comb my hair. "Like today?" she asked me. I self consciously touched my hair, "Does it look bad?" I asked her. "Yes," she replied. She proceeded to "style" my hair for me, as is evidenced in the picture. I'm not sure that her efforts were any better than mine.

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