The big cross, at the top of Ilalo, a perfect lightening conductor. We seem so close to the clouds here. We climbed up inside of the cross for a better view. It kind of wiggles on the way up

Sarah, Amanda, and I on the top of Ilalo

Cotopoxi on the way up
I hiked up Ilalo on Saturday with Amanda and Sarah. Its a pretty small little mountain, but it has great views of the Valle de los Chillos and Cotopoxi. On the way up it was the perfect, clear day, but by the time we reached the top it had clouded over, so we couldn't see Cotopoxi from the top. After the hike we went to La Merced... The park has been redone since I lived there four years ago - it looks so good. We saw the remains of La Merced days (homemade firecrackers set up around the park, now blackened from the explosions).
One of the views from the top - it looks like a quilt
Cotopoxi on the way up
I hiked up Ilalo on Saturday with Amanda and Sarah. Its a pretty small little mountain, but it has great views of the Valle de los Chillos and Cotopoxi. On the way up it was the perfect, clear day, but by the time we reached the top it had clouded over, so we couldn't see Cotopoxi from the top. After the hike we went to La Merced... The park has been redone since I lived there four years ago - it looks so good. We saw the remains of La Merced days (homemade firecrackers set up around the park, now blackened from the explosions).
After visiting La Merced we stopped to get Batidos (milkshakes) at my favorite batido place. You feel like you're stepping into a jungle. They used to have a monkey running free around the restaurant. We ordered batidos and yuca fries.
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